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Understanding the Torque on a Tilted Dipole and Its Simple Harmonic Motion, Exercícios de Química

The concept of the torque on a tilted dipole and how it oscillates in simple harmonic motion. The equation for the torque (eq. 23-35) and its relationship to the angle of rotation are discussed. For small amplitudes of motion, the torque can be approximated as a negative proportionality to the angle, leading to simple harmonic motion with a torsion constant and rotational inertia. The angular frequency and frequency of oscillation are also derived.

Tipologia: Exercícios


Compartilhado em 29/10/2010

barbara-fernanda-3 🇧🇷



50 documentos

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Baixe Understanding the Torque on a Tilted Dipole and Its Simple Harmonic Motion e outras Exercícios em PDF para Química, somente na Docsity! 47. Eq. 23-35 (τ = −pE sin θ) captures the sense as well as the magnitude of the effect. That is, this is a restoring torque, trying to bring the tilted dipole back to its aligned equilibrium position. If the amplitude of the motion is small, we may replace sin θ with θ in radians. Thus, τ ≈ −pEθ. Since this exhibits a simple negative proportionality to the angle of rotation, the dipole oscillates in simple harmonic motion, like a torsional pendulum with torsion constant κ = pE. The angular frequency ω is given by ω2 = κ I = pE I where I is the rotational inertia of the dipole. The frequency of oscillation is f = ω 2π = 1 2π √ pE I .
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