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CURSO DE IDIOMAS O GLOBO LIVRO 18, Manuais, Projetos, Pesquisas de Língua Inglesa


Tipologia: Manuais, Projetos, Pesquisas


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Baixe CURSO DE IDIOMAS O GLOBO LIVRO 18 e outras Manuais, Projetos, Pesquisas em PDF para Língua Inglesa, somente na Docsity! Feto JD ADI SITE CURSOS DE IDIOMAS GOBO INGLÊS (e AUDIOVISUAL INTERATIVO PROGRAMADO 16 UNIT 69 A CONVERSATION 1) She's taking a picture ofthe 2) She's a schoolteacher from 3) This is her first trip to LISTEN Tower of London. America. Europe. [AN ARA! FOR A JA E 5) The guide makes all the e) He also explains all the travel arrangements for the sights to the group. 7) They're going to stay in 8) They're also going to visit Paris, | London for three days. Geneva, Rome, and Athens. 21) How long will the tour last? The tour will last for twenty-one days. a e AR í | 7 De 23) What will she do next year? She'll probably come again next year. Db 25) What's this woman dr] 27) Who is she? doing? 22) How will they go home? Tea They'll fly home on a charter flight. a 24) Will it be a longer or shorter trip? ANSWER | She may go on a longer trip next year. ANSWER 29) Is this her first trip to Europe? REPEAT 26) She's taking a picture of the Tower of London. 28) She's a school-teacher from America. 30) Yes, it is. 31) How is she ANSWER travelling? REPEAT] 33) What does the guide do? ANSWER | 35) What else does ANSWER he do? REPEAT 32) She's on a guided tour. 34) He makes all the travel arrangements for the group. 36) He also explains all the sights to the group. 1092 37) How long are they ANSWER going to stay in London? 2 | 39) Where else are ANSWER they going? y 8 me. REPEAT 41) How long will the tour last? E ANSWER 38) They're going to stay in 40) They're also going to visit 42) The tour will last for Paris, Geneva, Rome, London for three days. | and Athoná. twenty-one days. . 43) How will they ANSWER | 45y What will she do ANSWER) 47) Willit be a longer ANSWER go home? next year? or shorter trip? sleeping-bag. some health food*. REPEAT REPEAT 44) They'll fly home on a 46) She'll probably come 48) She may go on a longer charter flight. again next year. trip next year. E E 49) He's carrying a rucksack. 50) The rucksack contains a 51) It also contains uses 52) He's a university student from Birmingham. 53) in Europe. mochila para qualquer eventualidade): * A expressão health food pode ser traduzida para o português como “provisões” (compreendendo os alimentos que se carregam na 1093 54) He's trying to save money. 55) He doesn't have a fixed se) He goes where and when plan. he wants. Tm 57) At present he's hitch-hiking s8y He's looking for places that 59) Sometimes he sleeps in through Spain. haven't been spoiled* by the least expensive other tourists. hotel t = 60) Sometimes he sleeps in his sleeping-bag in the fields. * O verbo to spoil, referido a uma localidade turística, é aqui usado no sentido de “descobrir” (e, conseqiientemente, arruinar, poluir). B, Coleman-T. Wood 1094 E 95) What's he doing? ANSWER a ni Gerar 96) He's loading the car. 97) Whyisheloading ANSWER the car? e a REPEAT 98; The family is going on a touring holiday. 99) Is it expensive? ameWER i FOCA ba REPEAT | 100) It's less expensive than | | other holidays. | 101) Isit convenient? ANSWER aU E DE REPEAT |102) It's more convenient than |travelling by plane or train. | G. Nimatailah | 1097 103) Where are they ANSWERN 405) What are they aNSuER | 107) Do they take a ANSWER, | going this year? going to see? touring holiday every year? 1972 / tg / ee à 6=S | ER 2 | É RE SNMIERLAND q IA a é o | RES a O o asi REPEAT REPEAT n | 104) They're travelling through | | 106) They're going to visit 108) Yes, they do. | | Westem Europe this year. several countries. ] 109) Where did they go vem 111) Where did they ANSWER: + 113) Where are they ANSWER: | last year? go the year before? going next year? pã ER nd ge, 19 4 ES | e E | FEMEA | 110) Last year they went | [112) The year before they 114) Next year they're going to Spain. went to Italy. to Austria. E E) 1098 UNIT 69 VOCABULARY VOCABULÁRIO arrangements (plur.) as a matter of fact Athens at present before (adv.) charter flight exciting fixed Geneva guide (subst.) health hostel maybe Photograph (subst.) picture (subst.) raisin rucksack school-teacher secret (subst.) sleeping-bag soul Switzerland tour (subst.) touring (adj.) travel (subst.) wedding (subst.) west (subst.) westem (adj.) while (subst.) A young man Verbos mto be surprised (at something) preparativos, planos; arranjos na realidade Atenas hoje, atualmente primeiro, anterior mente vôo charter excitante, estimulante fixo, estabelecido Genebra guia saúde albergue, pensão talvez, pode ser (que) fotografia fotografia uva passa mochila, saco de viagem professor(a) segredo saco de dormir alma, espírito; cria- tura, pessoa Suíça excursão (turística) turístico viagem casamento, matrimônio ocidente, oeste ocidental, do oeste momento, espaço de tempo jovem, rapaz surpreender-se, maravilhar-se (com alguma coisa) to charter to contain to guide to hitch-hike = to lead-led-led to like best to like better to load (with) to remember = to run into = to see = to spoil-spoilt (spoiled)-spoilt (spoiled) ntotakea photograph/picture ARTER FLIGHT (comerc.) fretar (um navio, um avião etc.) conter; compreender, incluir guiar, conduzir, acompanhar pegar carona, viajar de carona conduzir (no sentido de “fazer chegar” ); dirigir, estar no comando de preferir (entre mais de dois) preferir (entre dois) carregar, carregar-se (de), encher (de) lembrar, lembrar-se colidir com; bater contra; incorrer em compreender, dar-se conta de estragar, arruinar, gastar, estragar com mimos; avariar-se fazer, bater, tirar uma fotografia 1099 Exercício 3 Complete as frases com base nas ilustra- ções. - There the old house. There was not a soul in the old house. 3 - Doyou know... that old woman is? She's Miss Jackson, my first school-teacher. 7 - Their holidays in England last year were ... by bad weather. 8 - Mary was surprised ... finding him there. ! - There was the old house, 9 - Can you tell me what ti- me...? It's twenty to eleven. 2 - Comelater: at... I'm very busy. 6 - Is this the shop ... you bought your dog? 10 - Does this bottle ... one 1102 UNIT 69 E GRAMMAR O quadro abaixo traz os pronomes e advérbios de inter- rogação usados tanto nas frases interrogativas diretas (carac- terizadas pelo ponto de interrogação e pela inversão verbo- sujeito) como nas indiretas (dependentes de uma oração prin- cipal). A maior parte dos pronomes e dos advérbios de in- terrogação pode ser usada também com função de pronome e de advérbio relativo para unir duas frases que tenham um elemento em comum. WH- WORDS INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS AND ADVERBS RELATIVE PRONOUNS AND ADVERBS Who is playing the piano? He asked who was playing the piano. : E who There's a girl met wants to speak to you. Whose is this interesting book? He asked whose that interesting book was. The woman whose daughter you met yesterday is Mrs. Brook. What are you drinking? He asked (me) what I was drinking. Which of the girls do you like best? He asked (me) which of the girls I liked best. which Bill took the train that Victoria Station at 7.50. leaves Where is Mary's father going? He asked where Mary's father was going. This is the factory where Mr. Kendall works, When are they leaving? He asked when they were leaving. You always come on the days when I'm busy. Why are you so happy? He asked (us) why we were so happy. This is the reason why I called you. How can I earn more money? He asked how he could earn more money. Isee what you mean. 1103 A seguir, uma análise detalhada dos vários pronomes e advérbios: — Wwho:este pronome é sempre referido a pessoas e pode ter função de sujeito, de objeto direto, de objeto indireto (nestas duas últimas funções pode ser substituído, especialmente na linguagem for- mal, por whom). Como você deve estar lembrado, who com função relativa pode ser substituído em alguns casos pelo pronome that (ver volume 12, página 768); — whose: este pronome, que representa a forma possessiva de who, é usado em referência a pessoas. Pode ser também usado como adjetivo relativo à coisa possuída. Tal construção é a mais comum quando o substantivo que indica a coisa possuída não é qualificado por outros adjetivos; — what:este pronome é sempre referido a coisas e pode ter função tanto de sujeito como de objeto direto ou indireto. Em frases interrogativas, pode ássumir ainda função de adjetivo. Diferencia- se de which por implicar uma escolha possível entre um número indefinido de coisas (ver volume 6, página 368). Como pronome relativo, pode ser usado apenas quando não se indica o antecedente, ou seja, quando não é precedido de nenhum substantivo. Em orações relativas, corresponde em português a “o que, a coisa/as coisas que”; . — which: este pronome é usado em frases interrogativas (com função tanto de sujeito como de objeto) em referência a pessoas ou coisas, quando a pergunta implica uma escolha restrita ao interior de um grupo conhecido; pode ser usado também com função de adjetivo. Como pronome relativo, refere-se sempre a coisas. Pode ser substituído em alguns casos pelo pronome that. 1104 Quando usado com função de objeto direto e indireto, pode às vezes ser omitido (ver volume 12, página 768); - where, when, why, how. estes advérbios de interrogação se referem respectivamente ao lugar, tempo, causa e modo. Os primeiros três podem ser usados também como advérbios relativos em expressões como the place where, the time when, the reason why. How, ao contrário, tem somente função interrogativa. Todos os pronomes e advérbios de interrogação podem introduzir frases interrogativas indiretas. Essas representam a transformação de frases interrogativas diretas e são introduzidas por verbos do tipo to ask, to want, to know. Dependendo do tempo do verbo da oração principal, devem ser feitas na frase interrogativa indireta alterações oportunas no que diz respeito ao tempo do verbo, ao uso dos pronomes pessoais e dos possessivos (que mudam em função da pessoa a quem é dirigida a pergunta), dos advérbios de tempo e de lugar. Exemplos: He said: “Where does your uncle live?” He asked (me) where my uncle lived. He asked (her) where her uncle lived. He said: “Why are you late this morning?” He asked (us) why we were late that morning. RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS Exercício 1 2 - who 8 - whose 4 - where 5 - why 6 =X (that) 7, - whose 8- X. (that) Exercício 2 2 - What are you doing? She asked me what | was doing. 3 - When do you have to leave for London? She asked me when | had to leave for London. 4 - Which car are you going to buy? She asked me which car | was going to buy. 5 - Who are you going to the theatre with? She asked me who | was going to the theatre with. 6 - Why are you happy? She asked me why | was happy. Exercício 3 2 - present 3 - who 4 - to West. 5 - health. 6 - where (in which) 7 - spoilt (spoiled) 8-at 9-itis 10 - contain 131) What should they do? They should get another record player. 133) "Then what will the children be able to do? They'll be able to listen to rock music. 132) Where should they installit? | They should install it in one of the children's rooms. <A: (25 | PK 134) What about their parents? They won't disturb their parents. a] À dy |) 4 135) What do the parents ANSWER | 137) What do the want to listen to? children want to listen to? 139) How many record ANSWER | players do they have? REPEAT ANSWER 136) They want to listen to 138) They want to listen to 140) They only have one classical music. rock music. record player. — — e — —— —— em mem mm 141) Where is it? ANSWER REPEAT | 142) It's in the living room. 1107 143) What kind of record ANSWER player is it? REPEAT 145) How many speakers ANSWER does it have? 147) What should ANSWER they do? REPEAT | 144) It's a stereophonic system. 146) It has two speakers. 148) They should get another record player. ANSWER 149) Where should they install it? É 151) Then what will the ANSWER children be able to do? ANSWER 153) What about their parents? REPEAT REPEAT 150) They should install it in 152) They'll be able to listen 154) They won't disturb their one of the children's rooms. to rock music. parents. E E il Pe i STE! 155) He likes to watch sports 156) He watched a golf match 157) He's going to watch He a events on TV. last Sunday. a football match this Sunday. 158) He'd rather watch the match on TV than go* to the stadium. * Quando, como neste caso, o segundo termo de comparação é constituído por uma oração no infinitivo (“than go to the stadium"), to é obrigatoriamente omitido diante de tal infinitivo quando o imfinitivo da oração principal (“watch the match on TV”) tampouco é precedido porto. Quando, ao contrário, o infinitivo da oração principal é precedido por to, o infinitivo usado como segundo termo de comparação pode ser ou não precedido por to (para este uso ver na leitura da página 92 a frase “.. it is more satisfactory to make something than merely to receive it”). segue) 1108 159) His wife likes to watch old 160) They remind her of the 161) She'd rather watch old films. time when she was a girl. films on TV than go downtown to see a new film. 162) The children like to watch 163) They like to see performers 164) There are three TV E | variety shows. who are currently popular. sets in the house. ó | 165) One of them is a big colour 166) The other two are small o portable sets. 167) What does he like ANSWER à 169) What did he watch ANSWER h 171) What's he going to ANSWER | watch this Sunday? to do? last Sunday? REPEAT. REPEAT | 168) He likes to watch sports | 170) He watched a golf match | 172) He's going to watch a events on TV. last Sunday. football match this Sunday. t1og 199) Do you have to go out for entertainment any more? No, you don't. 200) What can you have? You can have plenty of entertainment in your own home. 201) What about music? You can hear music on records or tapes. 203) What else can you do? You can watch TV at home. 205) Can you select the programmes you want to see? Yes, you can. m12 202) What does that give you the opportunity to do? It gives you the opportunity to select the music you want to hear. 204) Is there much selection? Most areas have three channels. 206) What does TV offer? Tt offers a wide range of programmes. REPEAT Recent 207) Do you have to go ANSWER out for entertainment any more? REPEAT 209) What can you have? ANSWER REPEAT 211) What about music? ANSWER REPEAT 208) No, you don't. 210) You can have plenty of entertainment in your own home. 212) You can hear music on records or tapes. 213) What does that give ANSWER you the opportunity to REPEAT ANSWER 215) What else can you 217) Is there much feleciion? — ANSWER | REPEAT 214) It gives you the oppor- tunity to select the music 216) You can watch TV at home. you want to hear. 218) Most areas have three channels. 219) Can you select the ANSWER programmes you want tosee? REPEAT 220) Yes, you can. ANSWER 221) What does TV offer? REPEAT 222) It offers a wide range of programmes. E ms UNIT 70 VOCABULÁRIO active amusement by character chief (adj.) colour (TV) set currently event 1114 VOCABULARY 0 'SNOWFALL Q É 9 ativo divertimento, passatempo em, por, de, a caráter, índole; tipo (pessoa excêntrica, fora do comum); (lit., teatro) personagem; (tipogr:) sinal, caráter principal, (o) mais importante aparelho de TV. em cores comumente, atualmente evento; (esporte) prova, competição furniture (apenas no'sing.) golf gone (adj.) imagination match (subst.) merely needle (subst.) needlework opportunity ormnament (subst.) pig (subst.) plenty (of) mobília; móveis, acessórios golfe ido, perdido, acabado fantasia, imagina- ção (esporte) jogo, partida puramente, simplesmente agulha trabalho com agulha oportunidade, ocasião, possibilidade ormamento, decoração porco E abundância de; muito/a/ os/as Exercício de compreensão Responda às perguntas: 1 - What did people who lived in rural areas use to have to rely on? 2 - When was this especially true? 3 - What might a heavy snowfall have done? 4 - Are today's amusements usually active or passive? 5 - Do you take part in a TV programme? 6 - Were the entertainments in the past more active or more passive? 7 - What used to be the chief form of enter- tainment? 8 - What do you have to do when you read a novel? 9 - Do you have to do all those things when you watch a film or TV? 10 - What else did people do at home in the past? 11 - What did the women do? 12 - What did the men have? 13 - What did they use tools for? 14 - What did the children make? 15 - What are people beginning to do? 16 - What have many people discovered? UNIT 70 D EXERCISES Exercício 1 Complete as frases a seguir com o auxiliar modal ou a expressão verbal mais adequada, escolhida entre aquelas dadas. Cada forma listada deve ser usada apenas uma vez. - Pmsorry come earlier. Pm sorry I wasn't able to come earlier. 1- I' come earlier. 2 - Where are my letters? Your letters ... be among those on the desk, I think. 3-1... to leave now: perhaps my bus will come early. 4- 1...beable to come to your party, but I'm not sure. 5 - They...take away all their books: I won't have them here any longer. 6 - You... go now: it's time for you to catch your train. 7 - Jane... climb trees when she was younger. 8 - They... listen to classical music than to rock music. Exercício 2 Transforme as frases a seguir usando os auxiliares modais adequados (em particular can, could, may, might, won't, would rather), como nos exemplos. - It's possible that we'll go into town this afternoon. We may go into town this afternoon. Tom would prefer to take the exam next month. Tom would rather take the exam next month. 1 - It's possible that we'll go into town this afternoon. 2 - Tom would prefer to take the exam next month. 3 - My children refuse to get up early in the morning. 4 - She's able to knit very well. 5 - They were allowed to go to the concert last week. 6 - Td prefer to watch the cricket match on TV. 7 - They were able to build better houses in the 19th century. 8 - It's possible that the Kays will spend the summer on a farm. 1m7 Exercício 3 3 - Idiscovered then ... lazy | 7 - Thatchildisnotvery...: Jack was. he can't keep up with the cdr class. ETIS | 5 Complete as frases com base nas ilustra- po ções: | " - The Bridges live in a ... | 2é) area. | z The Bridges live in a || 4 - Albert's parents give him | 8 - Mr. Collins is a very ef- rural area. two pounds a week for his ficient clerk. o Is that ... you really think? 4 5 - Woody Allenisquitea... | 9 - He cut himself ... from area. the world. 2 - There wasa heavy ...last | 6 - Mr. Moss had to go to night. London on a business trip, and his wife took the ... to visit London. ha 0 po o á for me. 118 E o UNIT 70 E GRAMMAR MODAL AUXILIARY VERBS POSSIBILIDADE/ PROBABILIDADE The 8.53 train from Glasgow may arrive late because of the snow. John might pass his examinations. Yes, and pigs might fly. should Our guests ought to be home by now. CAPACIDADE Fred is very handy: he can install the new electric cooker by himself. Mr. Clark will be able to give you an interview next week. Henry could drive a car when he was fifteen. She was able to help you because she knew French literature well PERMISSÃO You can smoke if you like. You may smoke if you like (more formal) The children will be allowed to go into the garden when they have finished their homework. OBRIGATORIEDADE/ NECESSIDADE You must be careful not to make mistakes. You have to sign your name here. You'll have to be back by 2 o'clock. Y should ought to clean your shoes before coming into the house. You'd better be quick, if you want to catch the bus, PREFERÊNCIA Vd rather stay in a house than in a hotel. RECUSA I won't see him any more. Itold them so but they wouldn't listen to me. 119 7) Isitrainingnow? ANSWER | 9) Isit possiblethat ANSWER | 17) Ifit does rain, ANSWER it will rain? what will you need? E tá ] | z E | No) REPEAT 8 No, it isn't. | 10) Yes, itis. 12) Ifit does rain, [ll need my umbrella. 16) Has he got a cold? REPEAT No, he hasn't. Y = da 13) He hasn't got a cold. 18) If he does catch a cold, what will he do? If he catches a cold, he'll sneeze. 1122 he'll catch a cold? 19) Hashe gota cold? ANSWER h 21 Isit possible that ANSWER | 23) If he does catch ANSWER a cold, what will he do? 5 aj E 24) If he catch: old, 20) No, he hasn't. | 22) Yes, itis. | ESTE | 25) He hasn't missed the bus. “ISTENh 28) Has he missed the bus? REPEAT No, he hasn't. | i 30) If he does miss the bus, what will he have to do? If he misses the bus, he'll have to take = 27) If he misses the bus, he'll have to take a taxi. 1128 31) Has he missed the ANSWER) 33) Isit possible that | ANSWER ) 35) If he does miss the Ne he will miss the bus? bus, what will he have o 1 sos il hd | (9. | ÉS t =|| Il É REPÍ 4 Ta » ss 36) If he misses the bus, he'll 32) No, he hasn't. | 34) Yes, it is. | Haveito takestaxi: a | EE sn, E e e — e e e 37) She hasn't got a headache. USTEN 40) Has she got a headache? REPEAT) No, she hasn't. 42) If she does get a headache, what will aspirin. she do? If she gets a headache, she'll take an * A frase inteira equivale em português a “É possível que ela venha a ter dor de cabeça?”. Note a construção pessoal de to get na expressão to get a headache. 1124 e7) Is the weather cloudy or clear? ANSWER | Qi É K À | JH, REPEAT 69) Is it possible that it will clear up? 71) If the weather does ANSWER clear up, what are we going to do? ANSWER | | + REPEAT | REPEAT 68) It's cloudy. 70) Yes, it is. 72) If the weather clears up, we're going on a picnic. [dl ão E 73) The sun isn't shining now. LISTEN 74) It's possible that it will shine this afternoon. 75) If the sun shines this afternoon, you can play outdoors. 76) Is the sun shining now? REPEAT No, it isn't. 77) Isit possible that it will shine this afternoon? Yes, itis. 78) If the sun does shine this afternoon, what can we do? Tf the sun does shine this afternoon, you can play outdoors. 1127 79) Is the sun shining re] 81) Isit possible that | Answer) 83) If the sun does ANSWER now? it will shine this afternoon? shine this afternoon, what E can we do? II ps eo | A & E TO / a e x pa AS | 5 Ra pa o A = NE e | RE Ud! VERA ' Mi a ER 84) If the sun shines this after- 80) No, it isn't. | s2) Yes, itis. | noon, you can play outdoors. | E 85; Heisn'till. LISTEN se) Is he ill? did No, he isn't. 87) If he does get ill, he should see a doctor. e 90) If he does get ill, what should he do? If he gets ill, he should see a doctor. Ed 1128 he'll get ill? what should he do? 91) Is he ill? da 93) Is it possible that 4 va 95) If he does get ill, A él ARE NE À | * “ é REPEAT 96) If he gets ill, he should see a doctor. pm REPEAT IR 92) No, he isn't. | 1129 UNIT 71 VOCABULARY VOCABULÁRIO ache (subst.) dor beauty beleza, formosura; beleza (pessoa ou coisa bela, também ironicamente) body corpo, estrutura física; parte principal de algo brake (subst.) freio a cold i . resfriado breaker demolidor to clear up esclarecer, aclarar engine motor, máquina =togoonapicnic fazer, participar de head (subst.) cabeça, intelecto um piquenique headache dor de cabeça mto go skiing ir esquiar hey! ei! to laugh rir joke (subst.) brincadeira, piada mto run funcionar, andar, junk (subst.) refugo, sucata operar, movimentar king (subst.) rei, monarca = to shine-shone- brilhar, resplandecer, name (subst.) fama, reputação shone iluminar once in a while de vez em quando toski esquiar picnic (subst.) piquenique to sneeze espirrar real (adj.) real, verdadeiro, nto steal-stole- roubar (alguma coisa = autêntico, sincero stolen (something de alguém; tb. fig.) transmission (automóvel) transmissão, from someone) câmbio nto tell/(crack) contar uma piada upto até a joke working (adj.) que trabalha, que funciona wreck (subst. destroços Ç ) Ei Nomes próprios Verbos Goseple ç to Decote tornar, tornar-se ecame-become (apelido Joe mto catch/get pegar, apanhar um José E to laugh este verbo pode ter diversas construções. Entre as mais comuns estão as seguintes: pode ser usado sozinho, com significado correspondente em português a “rir”, e pode ser seguido pela preposição at. To laugh at something tem o significado de “rir de algo” (uma brincadeira, uma piada). To laugh at someone tem o significado de “rir de, caçoar de, zombar de”. Note que, neste último significado, o verbo to laugh admite a construção passiva (com a preposição at na posição final). 1132 UNIT 71 c DIALOGUE NOTA: A partir desta unidade, depois de ouvir o diálogo, você deve simplesmente repetir as partes propostas, em vez de apenas responder como se fosse o outro personagem. Na verdade, a complexidade crescente dos diálogos torna muito difícil memorizar as. respostas. Note que a breve introdução ao diálogo não está gravada na fita. Joe is always interested in old cars. His friend Pete things here and there. You're talking about a | has just driven up to the garage in an old wreck of a lot of money. car. Pete: No, I'm talking about time. How about it? Pete: Hey, Joe! Have a look at this! Joe: I'maworking man. Joe: Its a beauty. A real piece of junk. Where'd Pete: You have time after work. ; you getit? Joe: have to have a little fun once in a while. | Pete: From my local breaker. Pete: Well, just let me park it here. | Joe: How much did he steal from you for that Joe: | Ifll give the place a bad name. wreck? Pete: I'll start cleaning it up tomorrow. Pete: Ten pounds. Joe: Alright, "Il have a look at it this evening. We'll Joe: And it still runs! see what has to be done. Pete: Well, | had to do a little work on it to get it NOTA 1: A expressão hey, usada pra chamar a atenção de alguém, é here. How about it? informal e usada principalmente entre pessoas que têm uma relação Joe: How about what? mais íntima. Pete: Doyou want to help me make itthe king ofthe | NOTA 2: Na frase Where'd you get it?, awhereia é a forma contraída de ” d? where did. Esta forma deve ser considerada coloquial e raramente Fono E aparece na linguagem escrita. Joe: That shouldn't take more than ten years. NOTA 3: A expressão How about...?, seguida por um substantivo, Pete: Oh, | don't know. A new engine, a new pronome ou pela -ing form de um verbo, é usada com valor de proposta, anemission sugestão, e equivale em português à “O que você acha de..., "O que Ega vocês acham de...”, “O que você me diz de...”, “O que vocês me dizem Joe: New brakes, a new body, and a few other little de...”, “Quetal..?”, 1133 Exercício 1 Transforme as frases a seguir em períodos hipotéticos do primeiro tipo, como no exemplo. o om co 6 = 1134 It's possible that it will snow. Then we can go skiing. Ifit snows, we can go skiing. It's possible that it will snow. Then we can go skiing. It's possible that he'll study law. Then he can become a lawyer. It's possible that T'll get my holiday in June. Then Tl go abroad. It's possible that she'll go shopping. Then she'll buy some new towels. It's possible that Ann will go to the party. Then she'll wear her new dress. It's possible that we'll begin a new unit today. Then we can finish it next week. 7 - It's possible that they'll go to London. Then they should see all the sights. 8 - It's possible that he'll go to university. Then he'll have to take a modern language. Exercício 2 Complete as frases a seguir escolhendo a forma adequada entre as que aparecem em grifo. - ... every day in London? (Rains it; It does rain; Does it rain) Does it rain every day in London? - He doesn't understand you, but 1... (understand; do; do understand) He doesn't understand you, but I do. 1 -...every day in London? (Rains it; It does rain; Does it rain) 2 - He doesn't understand you, but I... (understand; do; do understand) 3 - She can dance very well,...? (doesn't she can; can't she; can she; does she can) 4 - My friend... to see me yesterday. (didn't come; came not; doesn't come; comes) 5 - Does she often go to the cinema in the evening? Yes, she... (goes; doesn't go; does; doesn't) 6 - Lalways make mistakes, but you... (doesn't; don't; make; makes) 7 - Mary didn't come early enough, ...? (did she; didn't she; came she; didn't come she) 8 -... your breakfast? (Have you; Are you having; Do you having) UNIT 72 A CONVERSATION = 113) If he studied more, he'd get better LISTEN marks. 116) If he studied more, what would he REPEAT 2 get? If he studied more, he'd get better marks. 117) But he doesn't study very much, does he? No, he doesn't. 118) And therefore he doesn't get good marks, does he? No, he doesn't. 119) If he studied more, ANSWER | 121) But he doesn't ANSWER à 123) And therefore he ANSWER | what would he get? study very much, does he? doesn't get good marks, get better marks. —— —— —— — O o — o O — —— — ——— — [E 3] e If she stayed at home, she'd save LISTEN 128) If she stayed at home, what would REPEAT some money. she do? If she stayed at home, she'd save some money. 120) If he studied more, he'd | 122) No, he doesn't. | 124) No, he doesn't. E | 129) But she doesn't stay at home, does she? No, she doesn't. o 127) Therefore she doesn't save 0 any money. 0 130) And therefore she doesn't save any money, does she? No, she doesn't. 1138 ANSWER 135) And therefore she doesn't save any money, does she? 133) But she doesn't stay at home, does she? dl 7 Ge | VE “8 | pe : | ca tEPEA, REPEA 131) If she stayed at ANSWER | ANSWER | home, what would she do? 132) If she stayed at home, she'd save some money. 140) If he applied for a job, what would REPEAT he have to do? If he applied for a job, he'd have to fillin this form. 0 139) Therefore he doesn't have to 0 fillin this form. 0 o 142) Therefore he doesn't have to fillin this form, does he? No, he doesn't. PER e T Ce | jo NONO suburbs, what would they 167) If they moved to the ANSWER) 169) But they aren't ANSHERA 471) Therefore they don't ANSWER moving to the suburbs, need another car, do they? | Ga K | NINA É | E) atra | p7 LO a al | dgpe Re , REPEAT SEA REPEAT 168) If they moved to the sub- . » útba, hei dinesd anólher-ear: | 170) No, they aren't. 172) No, they don't. E) | cs —— = e 173 Ifit rained, the garden would get LISTEN! 176) Ifit rained, what would happen REPEAT] to the garden? If it rained, the garden would get muddy. No, it isn't. 175) Therefore the garden isn't 0 getting muddy. 178) Therefore the garden isn't getting muddy, is it? No, it isn't. ti42 isit? 179) Ifit rained, what ANSWER 481) But it isn't raining, ANSwER |” Therefore the ANSWER would happen to the garden? garden isn't getting it? 180) Ifit rained, the garden E RR would get muddy. 182) No, it isn't. 184) No, it isn't. E 185) If we understood French, we could LISTEN 188) If you understood French, REPEAT talk to that foreign student. what could you do? If we understood French, we could talk to that foreign student. PAL pe PT a [5 cS% ss 189) But you don't understand French, do you? No, we don't. 187) Therefore we can't talk to that foreign student. 190) Therefore you can't talk to that foreign student, can you? No, we can't. 195) Therefore you can't “NSWER talk to that foreign student, cai 191) If you understood French, what could you do? AN PDA * iá : REPEAT 192) If we understood French, we could talk to that foreign student. 193) But you don't ANSWER | understand French, do ANSWER | 3s REPEAT REPEAT 194) No, we don't. | 196) No, we can't. Ea) ! 197) If they climbed the mountain, they LISTEN 200) If they climbed the mountain, what ASREArA might get a good view. might they get? Tf they climbed the mountain, they might get a good view. 198) But they aren't climbing the mountain. 201) But they aren't climbing the mountain, are they? No, they aren't. 199) Therefore they haven't got a good view. 202) Therefore they haven't got a good view, have they? No, they haven't. 1144 219) He'd have to fill in this form if he applied 220) You'd need your birth certificate for a job. ifyou wanted a passport. RD a N1 O COP rm | 221) They'd need another car if they 222) The garden would get muddy ifit moved to the suburbs. rained 223) We could talk to that foreign student 224) They might get a good view if they if we understood French. climbed the mountain. GE UNIT 72 VOCABULÁRIO application requisição B bedding (subst.) tudo o que se usa numa cama (colchão, cobertas, lençóis etc.) benefit (subst. vantagem, benefício VOCABULARY e ando blanket (subst.) cobertor (para cama, geralmente de lã) buyer comprador, compradora, pessoa que adquire algo (car) mechanic mecânico (de auto- móvel) certificate (subst.) certificado, atestado credit department departamento de crédito 1147 day off death effort employee except (conj.) A grandchild grown-up (adj. e subst.) household department in spite of investigator item lonely long (ado. com subst. que indica duração) mark mature (adyj.) merchandise (subst.) mountain muddy (adj.) no longer over (prep.) 1148 dia livre, dia de folga (no trabalho) morte, fim esforço empregado, funcionário exceto, com exceção de, à exceção de neto ou neta (“neta” também é granddaughter) crescido, adulto seção (de uma grande loja de departamentos) onde são vendidos artigos domésticos apesar de, não obstante, a despeito de investigador item, artigo, parágrafo só, solitário, sozinho muito tempo, por muito tempo, longamente nota, grau maduro (tb. fig.) mercadoria montanha, monte barrento, turvo, enlameado não mais mais que, além (superação de um determinado ponto, tb. fig.) : silly since (conj.) rt passaporte Billow (subst, j travesseiro pillow-case fronha relatively relativamente report card boletim responsible responsável, competen- te, digno de confiança sheet (subst.) lençol (shop) assistant balconista, vendedor (de loja) tolo, estúpido (temp.) desde quando; (causal) desde que situated (adyj.) situado, colocado, posto sociable sociável, cordial stock (subst.) (comerc.) estoque, reserva, sortimento stockroom depósito de merca- dorias therefore portanto, logo, então to para, referente a wage (em geral, salário, pagamento no plur., wages) (...,) which (...) o que, o qual (pron. relat.) widow (subst.) viúva Verbos to accept aceitar, acolher to admire admirar, exprimir admiração por to apply for requerer, pleitear utobeover estar terminado, (sem complemento) — estar concluído to die morrer to face enfrentar; estar diante de to fillin preencher, completar; inserir ato grow up crescer, tornar-se adulto to guess supor, adivinhar, tentar adivinhar to occupy ocupar to pass passar to purchase adquirir, comprar mto put out tirar, jogar fora Nomes próprios MWantha Marta UNIT 72 c READING The Central Department Store occupies a full block on the main shopping street of a large city. It is really the centre of the town. People come from all over the city and its suburbs to shop there. The Central opens its doors to the public at half past nine every morning except Sun- day; it closes at six o'clock at night. Be- tween those hours, thousands of customers pass through the shop. They are served by hundreds of employees: buyers who try to guess what the public will purchase; inves- tigators in the credit department; clerks in the stockroom who send out the merchan- dise that has been sold; and of course shop assistants who face the public every day. Martha Henderson is one of those shop as- sistants. She works in the household de- partment; the household department of a shop sells sheets, pillows, pillow-cases, blankets, and other items of bedding. Mrs. Henderson is well over fifty*. She is a widow and her three children are already grown-up, with homes and families of their own. À few years after her husband's death, she decided she should find** a job. She was lonely, and money was becoming a prob- lem. She sold her house in the suburbs and moved into a one-bedroom flat in the city. She was accepted after her first interview at, the Central; she was exactly the kind of woman they wanted as an assistant — ma- ture, responsible, pleasant. Shop assistants don't earn very high wages. There are some other benefits to the job, however. She gets a discount of 10 or 20 per cent on merchandise she buys at the shop, so her clothes are relatively cheap. She also She is a very sociable sort of woman. And she has made a few friends among the other assistants — mature women who, like her, are living alone in the city. Her life is no longer quite as lonely*** as it used to be. She works five days a week. Since the shop is open six days, she has one day off in the middle of the week — usually Tuesday, which is a quiet day. She gets to the shop at nine in the morning. She and the other as- sistants put out the stock — the merchan- dise — so that they are ready for the first customers at nine-thirty. Mornings are quieter than afternoons, so she usually has her lunch early, at eleven-thirty or twelve. She eats in the employees” cafeteria in the basement of the store. The prices there are very low — another benefit of the job. The afternoons are busier than the morn- ings, and by six o'clock, when her day is over, she is very tired. In spite of getting tired, she's happier now than she was before she took the job at the Central. The old house in the suburbs was too big for her; taking care of a small flat doesn't take much time or effort. * Na expressão well over fifty, o advérbioaweil tem valor enfático; a frase toda pode ser portanto traduzida como “A senhora Henderson tem bem mais de cingilenta anos”. *+ A frase she decided she should find a job é um exemplo de discurso indireto, assunto que será tratado em detalhes a seguir. À frase toda pode ser traduzida como “Alguns anos após a morte de seu marido, ela decidiu que tinha que procurar emprego”. *+ Note aqui o valor enfático de quite, que não tem uma equivalência exata em português, À frase toda pode ser traduzida como: “A sua vida não é mais tão solitária como costumava ser”. 1149
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